Monday, September 28, 2009

Ed's 30th!

I can't believe it, but Ed has turned 30!!! We had a little surprise part for him on Monday and it turned out great! We went down to L.A. the weekend before his Birthday so I couldn't really have a part then, so I told him we were just having a little family dinner on Monday night with Jeremy and Stephanie and then people started arriving and boy was he shocked :-) At first he was a little upset but he came around! Mom made chicken and sausage sandwich stuff that was delicious and made a cake and my grandma brought a salad and it was all terrific! I had asked people to chip in so we could get Ed a Wii, and everyone was so generous and he was able to get that and a game he wanted, he was thrilled! It turned out very nice and I hope he had a great time, he sure deserved it!!!

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