Monday, September 14, 2009

Wedding Bells

Saturday was Joey and Natalee's wedding. I went to school with Natalee and she also works for Minden Electric, so that's the connection there! It was perfect weather, it's been really hot and windy here for the past couple of weeks, Saturday morning it got really cloudy and by afternoon it sprinkled a little even. We were really nervous for her, I thought for sure it was going to start pouring rain right around wedding time! But, it held up and was gorgeous, with the dark clouds but sun all in one and it was the perfect temperature! They had a big wedding party, I think there was seven or so on each side and they all looked great! It was fun, we went with mom and dad and simon, so that's always a good time in itself, and it was just a nice evening! Congrats to Natalee and Joey!
Ed and Simon
Mason and I
Mom Ed and Way trying to stay warm
The beautiful bride

Mom with my handsome man ;-)
Mason's new friend Paige
The bridal party
Mom and I

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