Monday, December 21, 2009

BBC Food Drive

This year at our church we wanted to hold a food drive, I got put in charge of making this happen so I got in touch with a local apartment complex and the manager was so excited because she had 42 families that were in need of food. At first we thought that would just try to get enough food for 10 of them but God then put it on our hearts to try and feed all of them. Through much prayer we were able to feed exactly 42 families, 17 of them got big turkeys (the families with 3-6 people in them) and the other 25 each got a whole chicken and all the goodies you would need for a nice Christmas dinner! It was amazing what our little community and church gathered together for these people. So friday night Ed and I went to costco and bought all the chickens with some money that a kind women donated to us, so we stocked up on those and then on Saturday morning, mom, jeremy, stephanie and I put together all 42 bags/boxes of food and put tracts and recipes in them and got them ready to go and then later on in the day we got some help loading them up and we took them over to the apartments and went to each door and dropped off their meals! So many of them were so extremely grateful, it was an amazing thing we did there and praise God for giving us the ability to do so! I look forward to next year, I'm hoping that now I know what I'm doing a little more I can get a good jump on it and see if we can feed even more families!

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