Monday, December 7, 2009

"Oh the weather outside is frightful..."

I absolutely love the snow, it flurried a little on Saturday and quickly vanished and then I heard it was supposed to snow all day today and thought "yeah right" because it never does what the weather man says it's going to do. But, to my surprise, it started snowing when we went to bed last night, Sunday and it's still snowing as I write, Monday night! We've got about a foot and half and it's supposed to keep up until midnight! I just love it, it could snow all day every day and I'd be happy... dad plowed the basket ball court area at our house with the tractor and there's literally a mountain of snow there now, it's awesome! I can't wait to get Mason out there and build some snow men, maybe even a whole family with all the snow there is! It was a fun day spent decorating, I even made a wreath, my mother-in-law brought a bunch of decorations and stuff over for me to put up so that was fun to go through! Sadly it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow, but still very cold, I think the high tomorrow is only 28 so hopefully it wont melt away to much snowy goodness :-)

I took these this afternoon, so there's even more than this, it's awesome :-)

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