Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Pics- Take 3

Well, at two months old Mason didn't shed a tear for Santa, at 14 months old he cried but suffered through, at 26 months old he can now run so after screaming bloody murder, clinging to my leg and refusing to sit with santa he decided to not participate in the santa picture this year! Oh dear, so we went up to the mall with my mom and sister and my little nephew for what's turning into our santa picture tradition and it really was a disaster! It started out well, it really did, we took all sorts of fun pictures while we waited in line and even when we were next in line and watching the little girl in front of us sit with santa he was all excited... Then Rylan took his picture by himself then we wanted a pic with the three of them but that's when melt down one occurred so I ended up sitting in on the pic with him and therefor ruined that pic and then I was hoping that he would sit with Waylon and take one and melt down two came and then Waylon started his pouty lip and on the verge of tears so ended up just being a sad picture of Waylon alone about to cry! Ugh... oh santa... maybe next year! Afterwards we went to my mom's and the kids opened presents and got to regroup after that wonderful experience!

So far so good...

Then the tears came
But he seems to have forgotten all about it

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