Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

Ed and I spent Thanksgiving with my family again this year, so the night before we had dinner with his mom and dad and mom helped me make a Jello dessert thing to take to my uncles. Thursday morning wa pretty low key, we made a salad and headed to carson around 2pm. Dinner was excellent as always, two turkeys, stuffing, green bean casserole and every type of dessert imaginable :-) Waylon even got in on the action, my aunt gave him his own plate of mashed potatoes and let him go for it... he was a mess but was totally loving life! Afterwards we played with these disk guns that me Grandma brought, that was a lot of fun, and just about every one got in on the actions. Then we watched some football and played Wii where I busted out my mad hula-hooping skils, LoL! Also, Mason helped my Grandma and Cousin build a gingerbread house, he was kind of confused on why he couldn't eat the candy but did very well! It was a lot of fun, then after we left there we went over to mom and dad's to hang out with them for a little bit, a nice way to end a nice day!
The Boys Chowin' Down
Waylon Loving His Taters
Playing With The Disks
Waylon, My Cousin Alyssa and I
Me and My Uncle Darrin :-)
Ed and Uncle Darrin
Us with my Grandma
Building the Gingerbread house

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