Monday, June 21, 2010

Carson Valley Days

Carson valley days was a fun weekend for us, Neil and Cassie were up to visit from Oceanside and it was Simon's birthday and of course the parade! Neil and his family got in on Thursday so we saw them for a little bit thursday night then on Friday morning we took all 9 kids down to their picture taken! What an event that was, it's hard to even explain the humor that went on there, you just had to be there. The kids range from 15 years old to 1 and the 15 year old and my 1 year old got paired together and were quite hilarious. As soon as I get the picture back I'll get up here, hopefully next week. Anyway, so after that adventure the kids and I went over to Nate and Jen's (where Neil and Cassie stayed) and hung out with the kids for a little bit, Mason just couldn't get enough of Owie (owen). Then Saturday morning was the parade. We've never taken the kids before, but everyone was going so we went for it :-) Mason was so funny, when he saw the beginning of the parade he stood up, put his hands on his hip and said "Joking?!?" it was pretty funny. And so he hung out with the kids and grabbed all kinds of candy and we had a nice time. Afterwards we brought Evelyn home with us to hang out for a little bit and then the rest of the fam came over and saw the house (they hadn't seen all the work we did on it) so that was fun and then just hung out for a few hours it was really nice to have them all over! The kids played wii and baseball and drew with chalk and mom gave rides on her bike :-) That night we all went over to Nate and Jen's to celebrate Simon's birthday and that too was fun, we mainly just sat outside and watched the kids play all night ;-) Then we had to say our good byes, Neil and Cassie left sunday morning. For the next couple of days Mason kept asking if we were going to Owie's house to play it was so cute, he misses his cousins!
The kids gathering candy
Mason, Amanda,Waylon, Evelyn, Owen
Papa and Way :-)
Ev and I
Bike rides with grandma
waylon, mom, amanda, alyssa, mason, evelyn
Happy Birthday Simon :-)

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