Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tim McGraw Concert!!!!

So as I said, Ed was so thoughtful and got me tickets to the Tim McGraw concert and my friend Jaqueline went with me! We had so much fun, we went and got some Baja Fresh before and then headed over to the craziness. I was a little nervous with just us two girls going so my first thought to safety first was to valet park my car, but that was full so we ended up on the roof of the parking structure! It was just packed so after going through this massive line we made it to our seats just in time for some Lady Antebellum. We were most excited to see them! The played a hand full of songs, each one better than the last if you ask me and then during the break I was trying to figure out where I knew the people sitting right next to us from... it finally hit me that I went to elementary school with their son and high school, such a small world so we talked to them while Timmy was setting up, but none of us could believe that we were sitting next to each other. They even took a pic of jaq and I and sent it to their son who's now married and in the marines, I believe, so that was pretty funny and the dad also works with my brother-in-law for the sheriff's department. Next up was Tim himself! It was a really fun show, we knew just about all the songs so that's always nice, we sung our little hearts out along with everyone else :-) Afterwards was kind of chaotic, I felt like sheep being herded along and after we finally got my car it took us a good 45 minutes just to get out of the parking garage! It was a super fun night though I really enjoyed hanging out my Kuh and singing along to Barbeque Stain!
Lady Antebellum!!!
Me and Jaq
The Timster!
:-) Fun Fun Fun

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