Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oceanside/Wedding Trip

Well as you can tell, I've been slacking in the blogging department, I must apologize! There's much to write about but I think I'll just do an overview of a couple of events until I get up to speed...

So back in May/end of April, we went down to Oceanside to visit my brother-in-law and his family. It took us 9 hours to get down and we had a car with two, well mainly one, screaming child and a nice throw-up aroma to get us down there. Once we were there it was much better! It was a pretty quick trip there, we did a little site seeing but mainly just spent time catching up with the fam. Mason was so excited to see "Owy" (Owen) so they were pretty cute, and it was so nice seeing the kids, I've really missed them, and oh how they've grown!
There's so many cute pics but I've tried to contain myself...
So I put Mason in this shirt and Owen says "I have that shirt!!" and he too wore that shirt and was very excited about it
Too cute, the kids on our way back from Ruby's on the pier

Our first night we couldn't resist and had a little hot tub party
It was also Waylon's first trip to the Ocean. It was pretty cute, Ed took Mason down to the water first and it was very cold and he was not liking it so when he went to take Waylon down to it Mason got all upset and was trying to rescue Waylon who also wasn't a fan, but boy did that boy love the sand!!!!

Next up we headed into LA to Peter and Emily's! Ed was in Josh and Michelle's wedding along with Pete so the next few days we had some wedding activities to do, or at least the boys did :-) I did get to squeeze in some time with Emily though, she and I and her mom went to Pete's sister's baby shower so that was fun, her mom took us out to dinner and then we headed over there. It was a nice girls out, I wish we could have more of them. Then the next night we left the kids with Ed's parents and Pete's mom and went to the rehearsal dinner at Universal City Walk so another fun night :-) Then thank goodness for my amazing in-laws, the next day (wedding day) mom came and got the kids so that Em and I could get ready with just one baby instead of three since the boys left early, so that was really nice we were able to relax a little and chat while getting ready. The wedding was beautiful, everyone looked fabulous and the boys behaved so that was good, Emily and I kept getting instructed to make sure they didn't do anything crazy :-) they did wear their tuxes to the rehearsal but they said that everyone thought that was funny... we were nervous and did not give approval FYI.
The 3 cuties! Scout, Mason and Waylon
Rehearsal dinner at Buca Di Bepo
Me and Scadoodle at the wedding
Friends <3
Peter and Ed with the groom

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